there is no hurry.

I recently read a book that described Jesus waiting – waiting for us to invite Him in. Into our lives, into the day, into the moment. He is ready and willing – and He’s always with us, even now, waiting for an opportunity to engage with us.

But He’s not pushy. He’s patient.

It makes me think of what we see of Jesus in scripture. He’s never in a hurry. He looks at people. He asks questions. He listens.

Even when He already knows who they are and what they will say. Even when it seems inefficient by our own standards. Even when Jairus’s daughter and Lazarus both literally die because Jesus doesn’t rush to the scene.

And yet. I always seem to feel a sense of urgency. I want things to happen right now, or as soon as possible. Sometimes I’m just impatient, but sometimes I really believe that God would get the most glory that way – the quicker something happens.

Maybe it’s because I have a marketing brain, and I spend my days writing messaging for tech companies that promote getting results faster and not being left behind. Or maybe it’s just a lot of impatience.

But I’m also really aware that I don’t have forever. I don’t know what tomorrow might bring. I don’t know the day or the hour when Jesus will come back.

So like, why not right now?

But if anyone knows what’s really at stake here, it’s Jesus. If anyone is on a mission to bring God the most glory, it’s Jesus.

And He was never in a hurry.

Which means that when things aren’t happening as quickly as we think they should, or people aren’t responding to Him like we want them to, or whatever it might be – it’s okay to wait. It’s okay to go slow.

Whatever it is that you think is taking too long, it’s not. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Match His pace. Maybe read only the black text in Mark and pay attention to how Jesus moved (without getting distracted by what He said in the red text).

Jesus was never in a hurry, and He was never “too late.”

I don’t know what God is doing or how things will play out, but I know Jesus knew exactly what He was doing when He chose to wait as long as it took rather than moving as soon as possible. And if He did it, we can too.

The power of God is in you, even on a Thursday.