He is near.

There’s a letterboard that sits on my kitchen counter. It belongs to one of my roommates, and we've mostly used it to display messages for birthdays or themed small group gatherings.

A few months ago, one of the messages had three exclamation marks at the end. I don't remember what the original !!! message was, but I do remember keeping the exclamation marks when I swapped out the statement because it made me laugh – and because I meant it.

A message displayed, but !!! with emphasis.

Recently, after a birthday had passed, one of my roommates changed the message to a sweet, little reminder.

He is near


I see it every morning when I come downstairs to make breakfast. It's propped against the wall where the silverware drawer is, on the counter where I prepare food.

It's such a simple but powerful reminder.

It’s true, even if it doesn’t feel true.

And some days, it doesn’t feel true.

Some days, I stand in the kitchen and try to reframe my situation or my day through this lens.

What if it is true? What if He is closer than I know – in the kitchen, in my day, in this situation?

I’m reminded of Matthew, when Jesus begins to preach: "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near."

He is near.

It is true.

All of scripture tells of a God who comes closer and closer and closer. He meets with Moses on a mountain. He sends Jesus in the flesh. His spirit dwells within us.

Whatever today looks like or feels like for you, it’s true for you too.

He is near.


The power of God is in you, even on a Thursday.