2024: week 8.

monday, february 19.


Yet I still dare to hope.

Honestly, verse 24 feels more real these days. “I say to myself.”

Sometimes you gotta command yourself into it. I will hope in Him.

tuesday, february 20.


I’d been thinking that I hadn’t seen a pink sky in the morning in a few days, and then here it is.

wednesday, february 21.


I’ve been working on a lot of things this month (outside of work), and I was leaving town at the end of this week. So everything I had to get done was all very strategically packed in, including having dinner with my computer some nights.

thursday, february 22.


Reminders for myself that my prayers matter, that they are heard from the very first time I pray, that things shift and angels are put on assignment because of my prayers.

We might not be able to see or hear it, but this is what’s happening when we pray.

Also: You are very precious to God.

Related: I had dinner with a friend, as we do about every quarter, and this time, our updates were one “here is how God is moving” story after another — while typically our updates include a lot of “what is God even doing right now??”

Plus, the place we went had an hour-long wait, but we ran into friends there who let us join them at their table so we slid right in. And we left right before it started pouring rain, so we didn’t get soaked as we walked back to our cars.

friday, february 23.


I’m excited to present a photo that’s not a screenshot of scripture and not of the sunrise. Although I very much appreciate both of those things, we don’t need 365 of those on here.

Instead, here is my face and my new earrings. Two people got me earrings for Christmas, so I said, “Maybe 2024 is the year of the earring.” I was kind of joking, because in probably 8-10 years now, I’ve been exclusively a special-occasion earring wearer.

But I’ve actually been wearing earrings pretty regularly now, which, it turns out, my ears don’t really appreciate. So I got some that are live-ins (that are comfortable to keep in all the time) to help my ears remember how to stay pierced.

saturday, february 24.


I woke up eeeearly and drove to spend the week with my family. Just after sunrise, I saw a tiny rainbow (even though it wasn’t rainy) and when I arrived, pink trees were lining the streets.

Rainbows are always a reminder of God’s promises, and these trees are a personal reminder that God always brings something from nothing — ever since I put one on the cover of my book called “From Nothing to Something.”

This February, when it’s still technically winter and things feel kind of cold and dead, it was so nice to see multiple reminders that something is coming.

I arrived early in the afternoon, in time for a pedicure, early dinner, and ice cream with my mom and sister.

sunday, february 25.


Being an auntie is my absolute favorite. After going to my parents’ new church with them in the morning, I made the rounds with my nieces and nephews.