2024: week 15.

monday, april 8.


Solar eclipse day! Nashville got like 95% of an eclipse but it was cloudy, so all I have to show for it is this screenshot I took of the Google homepage. I saw it in the middle of receiving lots of photos of the exact same thing and it made me laugh. Because this is everyone on solar eclipse day. Including me in 2017.

tuesday, april 9.

Honestly, I try to add photos and write notes throughout the week, but sometimes when I sit down to finalize these posts on Sundays, I look back and it feels like the beginning of the week happened so long ago. Like, this past Monday was the eclipse? Feels like a month ago.

Anyway, all that to say, I don’t really remember what happened on Tuesday except that it was the first time that I got to go to church and actually sit in and it was so nice.

wednesday, april 10.


On Wednesday, our church’s social media team had a Socials Team Night. The sidewalk leading up to my friend’s house (where it was hosted) was lined with these trees. We already know I love a flowering tree, but this shade of light pink is my favorite.

thursday, april 11.


It was cloudy and rainy almost all week, and I think it was the contrast of the gloomy skies — but the trees just looked so green. Or maybe I’m just still that obsessed with spring? I don’t know. Carry on.

friday, april 12.

Friday night was night one of our 24-hour (ish) Servant Leader Conference. Typically, we are all always serving. We love our house, and we love being part of it. It’s weird to just sit and not be helping. Not because it’s weird but because we’re quick to pitch in. If something needs to be done, we jump in and do it.

At Servant Leader Conference, the staff does everything. They are the car park team, the worship team, the greeter team. They coordinate and execute games, events, food — all the things. We are not allowed to help.

Our socials girl on staff commented during our Socials Team Night on Wednesday that she was excited about Servant Leader Conference because it’s an opportunity for her to really serve. It made me think about how it’s different when what you do at church is your job, and you’re not doing it for nothing. There’s nothing wrong with working for church and getting paid for it, but it’s not the same kind of serving.

Hearing her say that was like a glimpse into the heart of the staff. This event isn’t something they have to do because they really should thank us. They are grateful and excited that they get to do it. I love that about our leadership.

saturday, april 13.


Servant Leader Conference is my favorite for times like this. The messages are so good. The worship is so good. Ministry moments are so good. But it also feels like being with family. We worship together. We break bread together. And we have fun together. Serving is not just showing up and getting a job done. You become part of something, and Servant Leader Conference feels like the moment where we get to be that.

This year, they hung swings for the panel session. Our guest speakers sat in the other two swings, but before they were brought out, Alex just hopped on and started swinging. Henry pushed her for a minute before sitting on his own swing. It was so random and fun, and I love that my pastors know how to have fun — and have fun with us.

sunday, april 14.

I served on Sunday morning. It was sort of like a marathon weekend. I was tired by the end of it, but I loved it. I ran errands in the afternoon, kept tabs on the masters (cheered for Scottie!), and prepped for my week.