i think you should go for it.

“In the age to come, we won’t be in the clouds singing, we will be in the new heavens and earth, worshipping and co-laboring with God in the ongoing act of creating beauty.”

I read this post by Rich Villodas about Labor Day and when I got to this slide about co-laboring, it struck me because, gosh, that’s all I want to do. But I don’t actually have to wait for it.

It might look different now than it will, but I can worship and co-labor with God even now. The worship part comes a little easier for me, but the same is true about co-laboring. I know, because there were days when I woke up with an active awareness that it was God and me doing this thing together.

When I had an idea to write an ebook a few years ago, God gave me the title and list of chapters that would be included. When I sat down to write, I brought what I had (a few ideas and a handful of old blog posts), and God brought fresh revelation.

Earlier that year, someone at a church event had asked me if I was a writer or a painter because she saw my hand with a utensil in it and God’s hand over mine. I had never met this girl before, but that was the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard. I wondered if that could be the way it really was.

Looking back, that’s the best way I can describe what the process of writing that book felt like. God’s hand on mine. Co-laboring.

I think that’s how it’s always supposed to be. It’s not supposed to be just us doing all the things, or God doing all the things. We do what we can do, and God does what He can do.

I always picture it like God has His hands on the steering wheel, but I have to put my foot on the gas. He knows exactly where we’re going, but if I’m not willing to go, we won’t end up going anywhere.

When you really think about it, it kind of sounds crazy. Foot on the gas, hands off the wheel. But faith always looks crazy before you realize what God is doing.

Whatever it looks like for you today, I think you should go for it. Put your foot on the gas, take your hands off the wheel. And wait until you see what God does when you do.

The power of God is in you, even on a Thursday.

thursdaysarah squiresComment