books of 2017 | 006

i'm cheating. i finished these in january, but i was like 90% finished with both of them and just want to keep 2017 in 2017. okay.

love wins (rob bell)

"so controversial." the first thing anyone ever says about rob bell or this book, and they're not wrong. this is the first book of his that i've read, but i've listened to a few podcast interviews with him. he makes a lot of bold statements and pushes back against many ideas that a lot of christians would file under "obvious" beliefs.

my thoughts about rob bell, and this book, are the same as my thoughts about anyone sharing what they believe to be true. i don't take what he says or believes to be factual. i read the bible and form my own opinions, but i'm open to hearing other interpretations, which i measure against my own.

love wins is probably one third questions, one third scripture, and one third conclusion. the questions aim to poke holes at what you might think is obvious, the scriptures aim to challenge you to re-think, and the conclusion is the part where he shows how the dots connect and make sense for him.

i finished this book with things i found interesting to consider, new goals for what i'm looking for when i read the bible, and generally the same beliefs i had before starting it.

simply tuesday (emily p. freeman)

this has been sitting in my kindle app for at least two years. it was on sale, but i'm a hold-the-book-in-my-hands-and-turn-the-pages kind of reader, what can i say. except that i wish i hadn't waited so long.

this book is pure gold, full of love for the average, everyday kind of day. aka, my love language. it spoke directly to my heart about things like starting small, remaining faithful to your own work, trusting god, and playing the role you were created for.

in contrast to the grueling hard work of a monday, the excitement of a friday, or an activity-filled saturday, she highlights the potential of a simple tuesday. but it's less about learning how to slow down and more about recognizing what's beautiful about the already slow parts.

it's about matching up who you are and what your life looks like to the promises of god, and understanding that your part is not to feed the five thousand, but to give what you have to jesus. your part is not to figure out the means to the end, but to wait for god's hand to move.

even on a tuesday.

bonus: i got a copy of the grey linen hardcover version of the she reads truth bible earlier this year and am obsessed. reading the bible has always been something i've struggled to remain consistent in, but all the little design features - while not necessary for reading the bible - goes a long way in making it a more inviting and enjoyable experience. i love the hard cover, the design, the fonts, and the scripture images, but while those things draw me in - what hooks me is the translation, the extra information - charts, maps, descriptions, and the devotionals scattered throughout. this bible isn't just the Word designed and printed in a beautiful way, it simply uses those things to help usher in the presence of God.

books of 2017: 001 | 002 | 003 | 004 | 005

favorites of all time.

bookssarah squiresComment