for my mom, as she drives south.

and my dad, who is letting her go first.

today, my mom is driving south with her things packed in the backseat and one of her good friends in the passenger seat, and i'll bet she keeps turning around and looking back at it all, reminding herself that it's real and those are her things and she is on her way.

and my dad, he's still in CT going about his usual routine. he told me earlier that after work, he'll probably go home and have a bowl of cereal, which he thought was so funny because he knows my mom made sure to have things prepared. but that's my dad, and i think he needs to laugh because today isn't easy.

it's exciting and scary and a little bit like they just took a deep breath and jumped off a cliff. it isn't exactly the ideal situation, and i'm sure it isn't how they envisioned things would play out. but they have decided not to wait for things to be settled and confirmed before they move forward. they have decided to make this bold move, to step out in faith, and trust that God will work out the details in His way, in His time.

i couldn't be more proud of them for it.

essayssarah squires1 Comment